Monday, February 05, 2007 12:24 AM
Chasing after a gingerbread of royston with my folk. It just bounced away.
Saturday, February 03, 2007 11:17 PM
This google thing is getting me confused.I hate verifying my email accounts.At first, i thought having a super plain blog will look super fine. Now, i'm kinda sick of it totally, its sooo ugly. On the other hand, i've got no time to design it. Anyone is willing to help, haa!I was sick the second time in 2 weeks. The other time was probably because of side effects of liquor. But for this time,i seriously don't know why. Everything came at once man. Now that i'm recovering, the monthly river knocks on my door. I've got the sudden thought that my bills will be like wow. I can describe bills as periods. So much to handle, so expensive as well. I actually got work today, but i rejected that great offer because of exams tomorrow. How i wish Olevels will be over soon, anticipating**Went to JJC love fiesta yesterday, it was a mega big event. Equivilent to a carnival but was much more similar to a carnival than wwss's. Seriously, compared to jjc's love fiesta, westwood carnival got nowhere to stand. Thanks to shuhui, i took a ride that i promised myself not to take it after i took it at expo when it was CHC's christmas celebration. It was...horrible. Given my size, i still flew away from my seat, imagine the impact when i hit myself on the seat again. Ouch man. I'm never never going to take it anymore. Oh yeah, i donated 8 times to dear sec threes doing flagday at jurong point,10cents, 20 cents each la,hahaha, i'm that cheapskate. I really enjoyed flagday when i was sec 3, i didn't want to stop.Aiya, i hate afternoons, i'll be studying history now.bye.^striking colour hopefully^